Are you wondering, “Why am I doin’ ALLL the things and still not getting pregnant?”
While most women who are trying to get pregnant focus their money, time and attention on fertility treatments that don’t work and trying to keep up with endless doctor visits that don't provide clear answers as to why nothing they’ve tried has worked, my clients and I are quietly getting get good outcomes focusing on the only 6 things that truly matter.
Interested in learning what these 6 things are?
In order to learn what to focus on, let’s first understand the problems.
When I look at the current fertility journey most women take I see these 5 problems that are widespread and setting up most women to fail:
1. Lack of preparation with no strategic game plan.
Most women trying to get pregnant don’t realize that we are no longer in the age where you can have a baby the old fashion way without encountering some challenges along the way. Female and male fertility is on the decline and has declined by more than 50% in the past four decades. Almost all men today would have been considered infertile two generations ago. As a result, more and more women and couples are seeking fertility treatment. Oftentimes the only fertility treatment options given to women consist of costly drugs and painful shots that have very low success rates.
If you want to have more options and a more favorable outcome with your fertility treatment, then you MUST have a strategic game plan that prepares your body for a healthy pregnancy.
2. Doctor visit after doctor visit that never gives answers.
Most women trying to get pregnant have been told visit after visit “Everything looks normal, I don’t understand why you’re not getting pregnant.” Most of the time this scenario plays out because their doctor does not have the time or concern to dive deep and do a thorough work-up that puts the pieces together.
But getting clear answers on why you’re not getting pregnant or why nothing you’ve tried has worked is the most important step in the fertility journey.
If you don’t have clarity, then you CAN'T possibly know what steps to take to reach your destination to become a mother.
3. Cookie cutter protocols.
Most women trying to get pregnant have tried the same standard fertility treatments as the next woman who has very different fertility challenges. These standard fertility treamtents are either prescribed by their doctors or self-prescribed from generic information that they find online. But every woman’s fertility is unique and that’s why the most successful fertility treatments are personalized.
If you want to be successful in getting pregnant, then you MUST stop using treatments that are not customized to your uniqueness.
4. Women not understanding how their bodies work.
Most women trying to get pregnant don’t really understand how their bodies work. This lack of knowledge results in women not knowing if they ovulate because they lack the skill needed to know if they’re ovulating. So, they rely on an app to track ovulation. However, relying on an app to identify your ovulation is the surest way to fail at timing sex and waste precious biological clock time.
If you want to time sex at the perfect time, then you MUST learn how to read the fertile signs that your body sends you every month.
5. Spending money and time on the wrong thing.
Most women trying to get pregnant do not spend their time, energy and money on the real problem of their infertility. They spend most of their precious resources on rounds of expensive drugs and painful shots that often don’t work (or even make matters worse) because these treatments 1) do not address the root cause of their infertility and 2) do not focus on helping women improve their health.
The truth is that most women can’t get pregnant because they typically have an underlying health issue that’s not being addressed. Most women intuitively know that good health and being able to get pregnant go hand in hand but they usually don’t know where to start and their doctors usually provide no guidance on how to do this.
If you want to be successful in getting pregnant then you must focus your attention on the root cause of your fertility challenge while improving your health.
Are you making any of these 5 mistakes?
The truth is that if you are making any of these mistakes then you are wasting very precious biological clock time and may miss your golden opportunity to become a mom. The world has changed and the old fashioned way of getting pregnant without any preparation will set you up to fail.
A new breed of woman has emerged and is equipping herself with the knowledge and confidence necessary to get her over 35 body healthy so she can get pregnant easily, carry to term without any complications and fulfill her dreams of becoming a mother.
If you don’t change what you’re doing (or not doing) your dreams of becoming a mother may leave you behind. However, if you want to make changes and join the winning side of women trying to get pregnant then…
I have Good News!
I created a quiz that shows you exactly why everything you're doing isn't getting you pregnant and how to overcome this painful problem so that you can get pregnant (and stay pregnant) within 6-8 months without the costly drugs and painful shots.
It's called the Fertility Body Type Quizᴛᴍ.
Here’s what you’ll find inside your quiz results:
Clear answers on why you’re not getting pregnant
Where to start on your fertility journey
How your fertility is unique
How to personalize your fertility treatments to your uniqueness
How to focus your money and time on the right strategy to get pregnant and save up to 85% on fertility treatments
How to prepare your body for a healthy pregnancy
And so much more!
You can click below to take the quiz for free:
Regina, 40, Perimenopause
"My biggest breakthrough in working with Dr. Duga was figuring out what was actually going on in my body. I had a lot of inflammation. I wanted to start working on getting pregnant but I was really worried. Because of the inflammation and the pain I was already having I worried that I would have a really painful or difficult pregnancy or just not be able to get pregnant.
Being able to understand what was causing the inflammation, understanding that gut health was so important to be able to even start looking at fertility and getting that under control with diet, supplements and fasting, detoxing - which are things I usually see attached to weight loss not necessarily general health-was my biggest breakthrough.
Right now on my fertility journey I'm doing great, I'm currently 28 weeks pregnant, which is a big surprise, we had been trying for 10 months. I ended up getting pregnant on my birthday, so that was a great birthday gift. "
Courtney, 29, Miscarriage
Dr. Duga is very knowledgeable in fertility. She helped me after child loss and guided me on how to manage hormones, while also providing me with supplemental knowledge on my personal health concerns. I'm very thankful for your help Dr. Duga and glad you were a part of my journey.
Tuquinta, Fibroids
natural born dope dancer, medically trained & naturally focused physician and creator of She Does Medicine: Natural & Integrative Fertility.
I've always been the friend who my girls call during a health crisis. However, there's one health crisis that I was not made aware of until it was too late.
One summer afternoon in the height of the covid pandemic I received a call from my aunt. She said "You haven't visited in a while but you're gonna have to visit soon. Unfortunately, this visit will not be a good one."
Less than twenty four hours before her call my dear cousin and friend, Eda, passed away hours after giving birth to her second baby. Her death undoubtedly left a mark on not just my life but my work as a physician. She is the reason why I decided to focus my practice on women's health and fertility, particularly the fertility health of black women.
So, these days I use my skills to help women design winning health game plans to not only get pregnant in the quickest time possible but to get healthier before doing so.
I've developed my own step-by-step process to help women trying to get pregnant (like yourself!) feel their best, look their best and function at their best so that they can achieve their dream of being a mom.
I love personalized fertility treatment plans because they're effective, affordable and give women more options.
If you want to get healthier all while improving your fertility, you're in the right place.
Behind you are the series of failed fertility treatments, endless doctor visits that don't provide clear answers as to why nothing you've tried has worked and all those painful feelings of shame, frustration, disappointment, hopelessness, loneliness, failure and anger.
But ahead of you is where you'll turn your painful fertility journey into an epic journey of healing and transformation.
I'm so excited that you're here and very honored to be standing right here with you in this pivotal moment of your journey into motherhood.
To Your Joy,
Me giving Eda's eulogy with my mummy beside me...
It’s a new world out there and I can give you the tools needed to become this new breed of woman that has the knowledge and confidence to take her fertility success into her own hands- however- if you don’t do anything about your fertility or change what’s not working, then chances are that you will remain trapped in a cycle of hope and despair.
Here’s the link again. Click below to take the quiz.